Author Page Jill E. Yavorsky

“The Gendered Elite: Money, Divisions of Labor & Power”

Photograph of Jill E. Yavorsky, Ph.D.

Thursday, September 19
5 p.m. with reception at 4 p.m.
J. Murrey Atkins Library, Halton Room
9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223

Parking:; The two closest parking locations are the Cone Deck and the Union Deck adjacent to the Popp Martin Student Union. (Look for arrows on the map.) Please read about the library’s accessibility support and contact if you have an accessibility issue directly related to Personally Speaking.

Hosted by the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences in partnership with J. Murrey Atkins Library
Registration Link to Come; Join the Mailing List    

Rising class inequality is one of the most pressing contemporary issues that the United States faces.Individuals at the top of income and wealth distributions control the vast majority of economic resources and exercise considerable economic, organizational, and political power.   Jill Yavorsky, Ph.D. will summarize some of her extensive body of peer-reviewed articles, which have been published in leading social science journals, to illustrate who has access to the most powerful positions in the US. 

Come increase your understanding of how class inequality is connected to gender inequality at the very top of the financial structure and hear about what gender progress has been made in diversifying top organizational and economic positions. By examining the behavior of the ‘top one percent,’ and by describing how these pathways differ for women and men, Yavorsky will share novel research about the work and family dynamics among the richest households. She will also examine the implications of these patterns on broader inequality. 

Jill E. Yavorsky is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Organizational Science at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in Sociology. Her research focuses on US labor market patterns by gender, race, and class; workplace bias and inequality, and; gendered divisions of labor among parents. Her research has been published in top social science journals including American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, and Social Forces and supported by national funding institutes such as the National Science Foundation. Yavorsky’s work is widely cited, and she has served on multiple journal editorial boards, such as Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Currents, and Socius.  Additionally, her scholarship has garnered widespread media attention from leading outlets such as the NPR Marketplace, The New York Times, TIME, Fast Company, Forbes, among others. In addition to publishing and teaching, Yavorsky also enjoys speaking and consulting with firms on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read more about Dr. Yavorsky.

Now in its 15th Season, the Personally Speaking published experts series highlights the recent research findings of our talented faculty. Presenters have each been selected by a committee of their peers to represent a sampling of the broad interdisciplinary work being conducted within the College. Presenters also have a knack for sharing their personal inspirations in a way that thoroughly engages their audiences—who are invited to reciprocate after the presentation. In this way, the College aims to build new connections between our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the Charlotte community. The series is a partnership of the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences with  J. Murrey Atkins Library. Presentations may be recorded, but are usually not livestreamed.

The author welcomes questions and comments about her topic and, although it is not necessary to read them before the event, she refers you to these articles for more
in-depth coverage:

Yavorsky, Jill E, Lisa A. Keister, Yue Qian, and Sarah Thébaud. 2023. “Separate Spheres: The Gender Division of Labor in the Financial Elite” Social Forces 102:2, 609-632.
* Research Brief in The Conversation
* Top Coverage: Fortune

Keister, Lisa A.*, Sarah Thébaud*, and Jill E. Yavorsky* (*equal authorship). 2022. “Gender in the Elite.” Annual Review of Sociology (48): 149-169.

Qian, Yue* and Jill E. Yavorsky* (*equal authorship). 2021. “The Under-utilization of Women’s Talent: Academic Achievement and Future Leadership Positions” Social Forces 100(2):564-598.
* Research Brief in The Conversation
*Top Press Coverage: NPR MarketPlace

Yavorsky, Jill E, Lisa A. Keister, Yue Qian, and Michael Nau. 2019. “Women in the One Percent: Gender Dynamics in Top Income Positions.” American Sociological Review 84(1):54-81.
* Finalist for 2020 Rosabeth Moss Kanter International Award for Research Excellence in
Work and Family (one of 15 nominated out of 2,500 published articles reviewed)
* Top Press Coverage: New York Times, Wall Street Journal Marketwatch, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, CNBC
* Live interviews: MSNBC; Wisconsin Public Radio (The Morning Show)
* Invited blogposts: London School of Economics US Centre; Work in Progress

The ADA map for UNC Charlotte with arrows for Atkins Library and specific suggested parking garages.