2023, Fall
Witness in Residence Initiative
ENFORCING HUMAN RIGHTS: From Local to the Global
Tuesday, Nov. 7
4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Fretwell Building, Room 113, 9203 Mary Alexander Rd, Charlotte, NC 28223
Please check the University website for parking information. East Deck 1 is the closest visitor deck.
Register. Join the Witness in Residence Mailing List.

Human Rights Activist & Advocate for Safe and Affordable Housing
Robert Robinson is a human rights activist who connects local experiences to global concerns. His drive to organize has grown out of personal experience, and he has dedicated his life to advancing the notion that every person has a human right to safe and affordable housing. Robinson works with social movements around the world, including the Movement of People affected by Dams and the Landless Worker’s Movement in Brazil; the Street Medicine Institute in India; and the Shackdweller’s movement (Abahlali baseMjondolo) in South Africa. In the United States, Robinson is a member of the Campaign to Restore National Housing Rights, which is a policy and research organization supported by the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative. He is also a member of the Land and Housing Action Group of the Take Back the Land national movement and a member of the US Human Rights Network. Robinson was chosen to be New York City chairperson for the official visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and, in 2023, he received the Romero Human Rights Award for his work.
Robinson will narrate his experiences for students during his residency in the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences during the week of November 6. He is also offering a public lecture “Enforcing Human Rights: From the Local to the Global” on campus Tuesday afternoon.
Sponsored by The Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence Initiative, with generous donations from the community and the Dean’s Office of the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences